By now it should be clear that microfluidic devices are our specialty here at Citrogene, the world’s best glass microfluidic manufacturer. But for those still learning about us, and what applications microfluidic devices can have, we’re here to help.

Before we dive in too deep, let’s discuss upfront just what exactly is a microfluidic device. A microfluidic device is an instrument that uses very small amounts of fluid on a microchip to do certain laboratory tests. A microfluidic device may use body fluids or solutions containing cells or cell parts to diagnose diseases. Many microfluidic devices are also known as lab-on-a-chip devices.

Industries Benefitting from Microfluidics

Microfluidic devices are seeing an increasing amount of use across numerous industries. The reason is simple: microfluidic devices are cost effective and allow for the scaling of research and experiments at seemingly unthinkable levels (as in millions of experiments in a short period of time), which thus allows for faster analysis ultimately leading to a reduced time in research and a faster result in conclusions. Here are some of the industries that are benefitting from microfluidics the most:

  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Environmental Testing
  • Geology and Astrophysics
  • Manufacturing
glass microfluidic device

Microfluidics in Pharmaceuticals

The pharmaceutical industry has adopted many microfluidic processes in the discovery, and subsequent delivery, of new drugs for personalized medicine usage. Microfluidic devices can speed up many areas of the entire process including target selection, clinical trials, chemical synthesis, and product management. With the high cost of drug research and development, advances in microfluidics may ultimately lead to the reduced prescription costs for consumers.

Microfluidics in Environmental Testing

Environmental testing is emerging as a top application for microfluidic technology. This is due in large part because environmental testing can fully utilize the smaller sample volumes. This leads to an increase in efficiency when detecting abnormalities. Continuous sampling and real time testing also makes early warning of biochemical toxins and other pathogens in the air and/or water supply possible.

Geology and Astrophysics

As we explore our galaxy, sending man and unmanned missions to nearby moons and planets, scientists are eager to study gathered soil and rocks. Obviously, bringing these back from outer space is very costly. Microfluidics can help offset some costs. This is because microfluidics only requires a tiny sample amount for analysis. Geologists and astrophysicists can now effectively study the make up of distant planets. Here on earth, scientists are using microfluidics to study oil and gas exploration and their respective impacts on the surrounding area.


Microfluidics in manufacturing is less mainstream but is quickly gaining steam in its applications. The chemical industry is working on a parallel process called “micro-reactors.” This process is considered to be more economical than current methods that are in use.

Citrogene: Microfluidic Device Manufacturer

Citrogene has the experience, knowledge, expertise, and tools to make high quality and precision microfluidic devices. Our proprietary process allows for the manufacture of microfluidic devices at scale and to be made to fit custom designs. When it comes to producing the ideal microfluidic device for your specific needs, there’s only one microfluidic partner to consider: Citrogene. Our proprietary process allows us to create precise, customized, state-of-the-art microfluidic devices based on your needs, all produced in glass. Contact us today to learn more.
